Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Palmisano addresses stimulus

Despite my misgivings about Sam Palmisano (for whom, incidentally, I work...at least for now), I am encouraged to read his editorial in the WSJ regarding about where he thinks stimulus pennies should be directed in the tech industry - basically, health record digitalization, broadband expansion and beefing up the power grid.

Without a scholarly dissertation on this, something I have neither intellectual mettle nor time for, this does seem to be a wise and probably well informed proposal. And as I fear for becoming a victim of a layoff from Sam's company at almost any time, I also have a dog in this race, having worked for a healthcare software company in my recent professional history.

The perfect exchange, in my view, would be Obama thanking Palmisano for his recommendations, and countering that such an investment (of which IBM would be probably see a decent piece) may be forthcoming if IBM finds a way in the meantime to stop sending American jobs to Bangalore and Buenos Aires. I'm not holding my breath.

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