Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Don't cry for me

Chumbawumba packs it in.

Interviewed and saw these guys when their hit "Tubthumping" went huge. Swell guys, cool band and lifestyle philosophy, and laboring under no illusions that their remarkable US run would ever be repeated. They were together nearly thirty years, and a big deal in the State for about a month and a half.

Strange life, this rock 'n roll thing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Time off

Fourth of July, inconveniently nestled in the middle of the week. I've taken a few weeks off BW writing to catch my breath, and hope to get some reviews and misc stuff in during the stretch. I ordered Ian Boddy's latest collaboration with Erik Wollo Frontiers and should have it tomorrow. Looking forward to it, will try get a review in here soon.

The Upper Colorado is benefitting from some dam releases and is over 900cfs (it's a flood !), so boatin' this weekend.

Cleveland next weekend.