Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Well...day 1

Finally got my first day of skiing in, squeezed in between three Saturday conference calls for work.

No comment on the circumstances - the skiing was okay, though. Snowing moderately when I get started, the sun came out around 1PM, good visibility and there a decent amount of loose, soft snow scattered across the December hardpack. Not mkuch for terrain, but I got 13 runs in and skiied pretty well.

A bit tired and legsore by 3:30, so quit a little early.

They got some snow this week - almost a foot - and a few runs off Lift 6 finally opened up.

No pics, sorry.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Does death exist?

This guys says no.

I'll have to think about this....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Not getting any better

The RW has its boot on my neck - 25 years in IT and never come across a project so fraught with fear, loathing, ass-covering, power-posturing and crushing demands. It's killing people off. One by one.